Instant-speed planeswalker removal fights the combo, as Jace does need to be in play to win.Lurrus of the Dream-Den no longer functions as a companion, which takes away a lot of the grinding power the deck had.Jace costs 1UUU, which is tough in a deck that already struggles with mana.Note that a turn four kill is still possible if Pact casts EOT Pact down to two to three cards and plays Jace on four, but this requires the timer issue be fixed. This is the big one, as it slows down the deck significantly. The combo takes six mana to execute instead of four.The deck does certainly get weaker for a few reasons, so while I think the risk is too high this way, it’s far from a guarantee. When the dust settles, it’s certainly possible that the Pact deck gets slowed down enough that this worked out, but I think the odds that Pact is still good are high enough that it would have been safer just to hit Pact. The cost of making a singleton deck just isn’t that high, and getting a Demonic Tutor/exile your deck split card is a huge reward. Tainted Pact in general is still a pretty busted card.It’s not impossible that Pact is still Tier 1, and possibly even the best deck, which wouldn’t be a good sign for this ban decision. Granted, a six-mana combo is slower than a four-mana one, but Jace is a stronger card than Oracle in non-combo situations, and overall I bet the deck doesn’t get as much worse as WotC (and the public) is hoping for. The Tainted Pact deck can replace Oracle with Jace, Wielder of Mysteries.As of this writing, you still time out when using it unless you have a time bank, making the timer overly dictate how the card functions (and making it a stressful experience even when you do get it right). Tainted Pact is barely a functional card on Arena.It’s hard to disagree with Oracle being a strong combo finisher, but I suspect the Thassa’s Oracle ban won’t work out as well as a Tainted Pact ban for a few reasons (though it’s no surprise that they banned the older rare vs the newer mythic).
#Thessa mtg how to
As an added bonus it’ll add some blue devotion for the effect.Sick of losing to Historic’s singleton menace? Luis has got you covered with some strategies, tips and tricks on how to beat Tainted Pact. Thought Lashcame back into view when Jace, Wielder of Mysteries was released but it’s still a very effective way to exile your library. Hermit Druidis a well known self mill option but to run it without hitting a basic land means you have to run a completely non basic land base. Divining Witch is a spellshaper which turns any card in your hand into a Demonic Consultation. Some creature options to deck yourself with. While your graveyard may not be empty you’ll know the contents and it will probably be significantly lower card count than what was in your deck. Additional options include Paradigm Shift and to a more expensive casting degree Morality Shift. Inverter of Truth: The combo with Thassa’s Oracle has made a splash in the Pioneer format but we’re here for Commander where we don’t have the 4 of redundancy. It’s been a very quick rise to power for Thassa’s Oracle so let’s touch up the Combo with some more variants and options you can use with it. So, would you run this combo? How did you feel about the Theros spoilers? Let me know if you would and how you would play this. The biggest weakness is any Stifle effect, unlike Lab Man and Jace you won’t be able to just try again by drawing a card you would need to flicker Thassa’s Oracle or some other method to try again. So if your devotion is zero and you have zero cards in your deck then if I do my math, carry the one, divide by zero. The biggest strength is even if they destroy Thassa’s Oracle in response that it checks if your devotion is greater or equal to the number of cards in your deck. The instant options are Demonic Consultation or Tainted Pact to just empty your deck in response to Thassa’s Oracles enter the battlefield effect. The jankiest option being Leveler but you can Tooth and Nail or Victimize for them both which is an advantage I suppose. We’ve gone through the Mesmeric Orb and Basalt Monolith combo but we have some other ways to completely deck yourself for Thassa’s Oracle. Of course you don’t need to go the draw yourself to deck route, emptying your library is perfectly valid as well. Unlike the other two if you would lose if you draw with an empty library so there is a bit more counting and planning if you wish to do it that way. The disadvantage is the increased difficulty of draw yourself to death effects. It is also cheaper to play than either of them at 2 mana rather than 3 or 4. Unlike Lab Man and Jace, Thassa’s Oracle is an enter the battlefield effect rather than a replacement effect so with the correct set up you don’t need to wait to draw a card. So first off let’s compare to Laboratory Maniac and Jace, Wielder of Mysteries since it’s inevitable.